2023 October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse in H-Alpha

Image Title: 2023 October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse in H-Alpha

Date image was taken: October 14, 2023

Location: La Ceiba, Honduras

Image Description and Details: This image was taken in La Ceiba, Honduras during the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023. Near the centerline and maximum eclipse, various videos were taken to account for the surface details and the solar flares, and then stacked, sharpened, and combined.

Processing Software: AutoStakkert, RegiStax, and Photoshop.

Equipment Details: Equipment:

Coronado Solar Telescope PST H-Alpha

Skynyx 2-1M Camera

Skywatcher Solar Quest Mount

Copyright: Acquired by: Francis Sansivirini

Processed by: René Saade

Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/astroesa

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


SH2-129 LRGB


SH2-129 and OU4 in OIII-RGB