
IC 2948 - The Heart of the Running Chicken Nebula.

Hello everyone, we reached the middle of the week and I am going to leave here this image of another object located in the southern hemisphere and that I finished yesterday, I hope you like it and you all have a very good day.

The image covers IC 2948 and part of IC 2944, it is located in the constellation of Centaurus, very close to the star λ Centauri.

IC 2948 is the brightest emission and reflection nebula, located within the nebula but to the southeast of the Running Chicken Nebula. IC 2948 harbors several Bok globules, although this time here called Thackeray globules in honor of their discoverer, these globules made of dust and gas are places where active star formation usually occurs.

It is separated from us by approximately 6,500 light years.

Technical details:

Telescope: Quasar 12.5" f/9 Ritchey-Chretien Mount: Losmandy Titan Camera: SBIG STL11000 Set Filtros Ha, OIII, y LRGB. Datos: Luminancia : 43x600" -15C bin 1x1 Blue: 25x600" -15C bin 1x1 Green: 33x600" -15C bin 1x1 Red: 41x600" -15C bin 1x1 Ha: 80x600" -15C bin 1x1 OIII: 73x600" -15C bin 1x1 Tiempo de integración total: 48,7 horas.

Cooyright: Alberto Pissabarro


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