Soul nebula

The Soul Nebula (cataloged as IC 1848 or W5) is a diffuse nebula associated with an open cluster of young and hot stars of great mass, visible in the Cassiopeia constellation, towards the border with the Giraffe. This is one of the areas where star formation is most active.

This object is also known as the Embryo Nebula, a name suggested by the pareidolia which causes our brain to see the figure of a supine fetus in this random cluster of ionized gas.

Sky-Watcher 80ED @480mm, F6.0

Qhy168c @-5 °C

Sky-Watcher Eq6r Pro

Optolong L_eXtreme 54x600"

SvBony UV/IR-cut 116x60"

Kstars/ekos, APP, PixInsight, Ps

Copyright: Massimo Di Fusco




The Bonfire Nebula