Barnard 150 the Seahorse Nebula

Image Description and Details : My latest astro project is Barnard 150. A dark nebula in the constellation of Cepheus. Also known as the Seahorse nebula. A dark nebula (absorption nebula), is a dense interstellar cloud that obscures the light from objects behind it, such as background stars and emission or reflection nebulae. Interstellar dust grains located in the coldest, densest parts of larger molecular clouds cause light extinction.

Imaged with:

Starfield Optics 8 (200mm) astrograph
Starizona Nexus reducer/flattener for F3
QHY268M camera and QHY filter wheel
Optolong LRGB filters

Shot from the backyard in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. 20hrs 45min total. Processed in PixInsight.

Copyright: Shawn Nielsen | VisibleDark




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