M81 M82 IFN & Holmberg IX galaxy
Image Description and Details : Image of the classical m81 and m82, but the goals, the IFN and the Holmberg IX galxy, with cheap telescope. I´m nomade amateur astrophotgrapher, I drive 2 hours and return every time.
Adquisition data
Newton 200/1000 Skywatcher
Eq6 R Pro
Zwo Asi 294 MM
LRGBHa 14h total
From Àger, Spain
Copyright: Aarón de la Casa
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AAPOD2 Title: M81 M82 IFN & Holmberg IX galaxy
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AAPOD2 Title: M81 M82 IFN & Holmberg IX galaxy
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/Fr w we try to to her why Cvs AC cv FB
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