Gum 14/15 and the small planetary nebula He 2-11

Image Description and Details : Also the fourth stage of the ShaRA project, with which we occasionally go on a remote trip to the southern hemisphere to film some marvel of that marvelous sky, has recently concluded. ShaRA#4 was characterized by the multitude of shots taken but in this post I show you only the first part that featured the extended nebulae Gum 14 and Gum 15 and the small planetary nebula He 2-11, of which we made the first ever amateur shot and which we renamed the Spin Nebula.

Gum 14/15 are two little photographed nebulae in the constellation of Vela and apparently linked to each other. Gum 14, the largest, is an emission nebula excited by a class O blue supergiant and prospectively adjacent to a complex of reflection nebulae whose most important is NGC 2626. Gum 15 is another emission nebula which, together with Gum 14 belongs to the Vela Molecular Ridge: a mega molecular complex full of young and hot stars, which thanks to their radiation, becomes visible to our telescopes.
He 2-11 is a planetary nebula about 2300 light years away, with the rare peculiarity that its nucleus is characterized by a variable binary system. He 2-11 has a structure characterized by a uniform central core of OIII and two filamentous outer protuberances of low ionization H-alpha.

Copyright: Massimo Di Fusco (Team ShaRA

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