The heart of the heart nebula

Image Description and Details : Capture Details:
Celestron 14” Edge HD with .7x reducer at F/8
Celestron OAG and a 174mm guide camera
Ioptron CEM 120 mount
ZWO 2600MM Pro cooled to -10° / gain 100.
Chroma 3nm S, H, O filters with ZWO 7x36mm EFW
Processed in Pixinsight.
Shot from my backyard, bortle 8 (October 2022).

Sii - 5 min subs x 179 = 14.9 hrs.
Ha - 5 min subs x 101 = 8.4 hrs.
Oiii - 5 min subs x 82 = 6.8 hrs.
Total integration time = 30.1 hrs.

Copyright: Richard McInnis


Witch head nebula


The Jellyfish Nebula in Geminiii