IC 1805 and accompanied by this magnificent HB3 supernova remnant.

image details:

Ts optics 62/297 quintuplet 
Ioptron GEM45 
ZW0 asi 1600 mm pro
Pixinsight and photoshop 
Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 1.25": 265×300″(22h 5′) (gain: 139.00) f/4.8 -20°C bin 1×1
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Oxygen III 1.25": 102×600″(17h) (gain: 139.00) f/4.8 -20°C bin 1×1
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Sulfur II 1.25": 102×600″(17h) (gain: 139.00) f/4.8 -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik Deep-Sky Blue 1.25": 50×120″(1h 40′) (gain: 0.00) f/4.8 -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik Deep-Sky Green 1.25": 50×120″(1h 40′) (gain: 0.00) f/4.8 -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik Deep-Sky Red 1.25": 50×120″(1h 40′) (gain: 0.00) f/4.8 -20°C bin 1×1

61h 5′

Copyright: PUIG Nicolas

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AAPOD2 Title: IC 1805 and accompanied by this magnificent HB3 supernova remnant.

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Vela Supernova Remnant