M 13 Hercules Globular Cluster

M 13 is 145 light-years in diameter and composed of between 300,000, to more than half a million gravitationally bound stars in the constellation of Hercules.

It’s a spectacular star cluster to see in a telescope with its super bright core of hot blue stars.

Imaged over 2 nights in May 2023 from my home in Gérgal, Spain., taken during almost a full Moon to test a new mount recently purchased.

Technical summary:

Captured: 03,04-05-2023

Imaging Sessions: 2

Location: Gérgal, Andalucía, Spain

Bortle Class: 4

Total Integration: 6h 50m


Red 48x 91s 1h 31m BIN 2 Gain 100 0C SQM 19.5

Green 73x 60s 1h 13m BIN 2 Gain 100 0C SQM 19.5

Blue 78x 60s 1h 18m BIN 2 Gain 100 0C SQM 19.5

UV/IR 168x 60s 2h 48m BIN 2 Gain 100 0C SQM 19.5

Pixel Scale: 0.27 arcsec/pixel

Telescope: Celestron C11 Edge HD f/10 2800mm

Image Camera: ZWO ASI 6200MM Pro

Guiding: Omegon 60mm 240mm, ASI 183MC Pro

Filters: Astronomik R, G, B, UV/IR

Mount: iOptron CEM120 EC

Computer: Minix NUC

Capture software: NINA, PHD2

Editing software: PixInsight, Adobe Lightroom

Copyright: Eric Smith


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