M 87 - Supermassive Black Hole relativistic jet

Image Description and Details : The supermassive black hole powering M87's core has a mass about 6.5 billion times that of the Sun and generates two jets of plasma in opposite directions that span thousands of light-years. The jet oriented towards the Earth is visible and appears blue / light blue while the other is extremely weak and is not visible. The great luminosity and blue tint of the jet are due to the relativistic effect called "relativistic beaming" or "Doppler boosting" which occurs because particles oriented towards our line of sight are accelerated by the black hole up to 99% of the speed of light and simultaneously emit radiation.
Scope: Meade LX200 10” ACF Camera: QHY268m Filters: Astrodon LRGB Tru-balance Mount: 10 Micron GM2000 HPS II
Processing: PixInsight Exposure: 10h 30m

Copyright: Antonio Ferretti & Attilio Bruzzone

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AAPOD2 Title: M 87 - Supermassive Black Hole relativistic jet

AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/M-87-black-hole

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Strottner-Drechsler 163 / PNG 184.4+05.4


NGC 5367