
Image Description and Details : NGC 3384 is a Lenticular galaxy in the popular M96 group in Leo. It is a part of a trio of galaxies that include Elliptical Galaxy M105 (NGC 3379) and Spiral Galaxy NGC 3389.

All of these are a part of the Leo galaxy group.

In my image, NGC 3384 is the oval galaxy in the left center, with the circular M105 (NGC 3379) to the right of it. NGC 3389 is the blue galaxy to the bottom.

OTA: Celestron 11" Edge HD with .7x Focal Reducer (1960mm FL f/7)
Mount: iOptron CEM120
Camera: ZWO ASI2400MC Pro (full frame)
Gain: 158
Cooling Temperature: -10 degrees celsius

Chroma L 180s x 59
Chroma R 180s x 20
Chroma G 180s x 41
Chroma B 180s x 42
8 hours total total acquisition time
Auto-guiding: ZWO ASI174MM Mini and ZWO OAG-L
Auto-focusing: 2" BDS-RT Baader Diamond Steeltrack Focuser and ZWO EAF
Control: ZWO ASIAIR Pro
Calibrated in Astro Pixel Processor with flats, darks and dark flats
Processed in Pixinsight and Lightroom

Location: Bortle Class 2 skies outside Flagstaff, Arizona

Copyright: Drew Evans


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