Abell 1656 The Coma Cluster
Image Description and Details :
The fantastic Coma Cluster (Abell 56) located 330 millions light-years away in Coma Berenice contains over 1000 identified galaxies. Along with the Leo Cluster (Abell 1367), it is one of the two major clusters comprising the Coma Supercluster.
The central region is dominated by two supergiant elliptical galaxies : NGC4874 and NGC4889, and as is usual for clusters of this richness, the galaxies are overwhelmingly elliptical, with only a few spirals of younger age near the outskirts of the cluster.
I wanted to capture this object for a long time and I'm glad I could do it from my downtown Bortle 6-7 sky.
Newton 250mm f/4 on IOPTRON CEM70 mount
Camera ZWO ASI2600mm + Antlia LRGB filters
23h50 exposures in February and March 2022 from my backyard.
L : 232 x 300s
RGB : each 18x300s
Processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop
Copyright: Mathieu Guinot
AAPOD2 Title: Abell 1656 The Coma Cluster
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/abell-1656-the-coma-cluster
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