Barnard's Galaxy

This image is a collaborative project with contributions from myself and Niall MacNeill. Niall has provided luminance data from his 14" C14 Edge HD/Hyperstar/ASI6200 system whilst I provided RGBHa and luminance data from my TSA120/ASI2600 system.

The galaxy in the centre of the field that we have here is Barnard's Galaxy (NGC6822) and was discovered by E. E. Barnard in 1884. It is an irregular dwarf galaxy located approximately 1.6 million light years from Earth.

The grey streaky clouds that you see across the field are identified as Integrated Flux Nebula (a.k.a. Galactic Cirrus) and are comprised of dust grains illuminated by the collective light produced by our Milky Way galaxy. They are very faint and take extended exposures to bring them out and make them visible.

Copyright: Rodney Watters


The Gecko nebula - LBN 437

