In February, I spent a two week skiing vacation in Arosa, Switzerland. Repeated snowfall made for some of the best snow conditions in years. The drawback was that I only got one clear night for astrophotography during my entire stay.
I decided to spend that night at the Bergkirchli (Mountain Chapel). Built in 1493, one year after Kolumbus discovered America, the chapel is the oldest building of Arosa. I found that it aligns nicely with the Winter Milky Way and Orion.
Canon EOS Ra
Sigma 28mm f/1.4
IDAS NBZ filter
iOptron SkyTracker Pro
Two panel vertical panorama, each a stack of 20x 30s @ ISO800, f/2, unfiltered + 6 x 120s @ ISO3200, f/1.4, filtered
Stack of 3 x 30s @ ISO400, f/11 during blue hour.
Copyright: Ralf Rohner
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