The OWL Nebula
Image Title: The OWL Nebula
Copyright: Stefan Thrun
Date image was taken: February 19, 2025
Location: Germany
Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup
Image Description and Details: So far, I have only used my C8 visually. But now after a long hesitation I have dared to use the C8 photographically. After a very long time, the time had come. Here in the north of Germany we had three clear ice-cold nights. I chose the bright PN M 97 as the first object for the C8 and have not been disappointed. I would be happy if you like my very first picture of the Celestron C8... CS and stay well
Equipment Details: Telescope: Celestron C8
Camera: ZWO ASI 2600 MM
Filter: Baader LRGB, Ha, OIII
Mount: EQ 6R Pro
GuidingScope: TS Guiding Scope 80/330
GuidingCamera: ZWO ASI 120 mm
Frames: OIII 100 x 300“, Ha 70 x 300“ , LRGB 25 x 120“
Integration Time 17 h
Name: Stefan Thrun
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AAPOD2 Title: The OWL Nebula
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