Bode's Galaxy (M81)

Image Title: Bode's Galaxy (M81)

Copyright: Credit & copyright: Chris Willocks.

Date image was taken: March 04, 2024

Location: Ellesmere, Shropshire, England.

Image Description and Details: Bode's Galaxy is a grand design spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It has a diameter of about 96,000 light-years. Because of its relative proximity to our own Milky Way, large size, and active galactic nucleus (which harbours a 70 million M☉ supermassive black hole), it has been studied extensively by professional astronomers. In late February 2022, astronomers reported that M81 may be the source of FRB 20200120E, a repeating fast radio burst.

Image details:
- Exposure: 3h21m.
- Acquisition: Sequence Generator Pro.
- Processing: PixInsight & Adobe Photoshop.

Equipment Details: - Optics: Altair 115EDTX F7 Triplet Apo Refractor.
- Camera: QHY294M CMOS.
- Filters: Baader 36mm Unmounted LRGB.

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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