Centaurus A - NGC 5128

Date image was taken: June 11, 2023

Image Description and Details : Centaurus A (also known as NGC 5128 or Caldwell 77) is a galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus. The unusual morphology of the galaxy is indicative of the merger of two galaxies resulting in intense starburst activity. The shredding dust lane is remarkable evidence of this and the image shows shell upon concentric shell of stars. The central region is bright in Ha and the Continuum Mapping process was used, subtracting the red from the Ha to leave its true signal. Ha permeates the dust lane and core and is reflected in the image by the red/ pink warmth there. The relativistic jets from the supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy, excite hydrogen clouds and result in an Ha glow emanating to the north (upwards).

Data Capture: 2023-05-12 to 2023-06-11
OTA: C11 Edge HD
Mount: PME II
Camera: SBIG 16803
Filters: Astronomik 50mm square unmounted Ha & LRGB
Coordinates…………….RA 13h25m35.43s, Dec -42°58'17.46”
Total Integration Time: 28.2 hours (LRGB 18.2 hours, Ha 10.0 hours)
Luminance: 26 x 600 secs
Red: 28 x 600 secs
Green: 28 x 600 secs
Blue: 27 x 600 secs
Ha: 20 x 1800 secs
Bias: 35
Darks: 35
Flats: 20 per colour channel

Copyright: Niall MacNeill

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.astrobin.com/aazwjc/

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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