Comet C/2020 F8 SWAN

CometSwan v1.jpg

After taking my first image of the comet from the City, I was not please with the result so I went with my family (wife and 2. 5 year Old kid) to a self isolating camping trip in the desert, after watching the moon set in the horizon and seeing the faith stars and the center of the milky way ilumitate the sky, preparing all the gear to catch, when the Comet was 10° above the horizon (4:45 am) I pointed the Telescope and Capture about 1 hour of 120s exposure.

Final image is 12*120s (for the Comet and the stars) Stacked and Procesed in PixInsight 1.8.

The Equipment used was.
Telescope William Optics SpaceCat 51 APO Petzval
Mount IOptron CEM40
Camera QHY183C
Guiding and dither PHD2
Acquisition Sequence Generator Pro

Copyright: Carlos Araya


Hartl-Dengel-Weinberger 3 (HDW 3)


NGC 4631- The Whale Galaxy