Image Title: CTA 1

Copyright: AstroKin

Date image was taken: November 11, 2024

Location (was image taken with remote scope?): Cartagena, Spain.

Image Description and Details: CTA1 is a large and very faint supernova remnant in the constellation Cepheus. CTA is short for the California Institute of Technology (Cal-Tech) observatory list A, the first list of radio sources generated at the university in 1960. It is generally referred to as G119.5+10.2 as a whole, but the entire remnant also includes component sections cataloged as G119.5+9.8 and 10.0 The supernova explosion is thought to have occurred approximately 10,000 years ago and is estimated to be about 4600 light years from Earth. The region is a very dim target and is rarely imaged.

The bright object on the right of center of the image is the planetary nebula NGC 40. This is a very striking object exhibiting bipolar symmetry, sometimes called the Bowtie Nebula.

Equipment Details: Imaging telescope:​ Takahashi FSQ130ED
Imaging camera: ASI 2600MM
Mount: JTW Trident P75
​Guiding telescope: Takahashi FS60CB
Guiding camera: QHY 5 II
Focal Extender / Reducer: 0.73X
Software: Sequence Generator Pro SGP (for capture) PHD 2 (guiding), Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight.
Filters: Astrodon Ha (3nm), OIII (3nm) and Astrodon R,G,B.

Accessories: Robofocus Focuser controlled by Lunatico Armadillo, ATIK EFW 3, RB Focus Gaius, RB Focus Excalibur.

Dates: 8th Oct. - 11th Nov. 2024

Frames: (Total)
Astrodon Ha 186 x 600"
Astrodon OIII 120 x 600"
Astrodon RGB 3 x 50 x 60"

Total integration = 53½ Hours

Name: Brendan Kinch

Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.astrokin.com/cta-1.html

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


Andromeda Galaxy (M31)


NGC 602