DeHt 5 - VdB152 - LDN1217

Image Description and Details : This is a very exciting area in Cepheus. The image contains several interesting objects, the most prominent being filaments of a super nova remnant (SNR110.3+11.3), a planetary nebulae (Dengel-Hartl-5), a reflection nebula (VdB152) and a dark nebulae (LDN1217). Most of the area is also streaked by faint dust lanes partially obscuring the objects.

All exposures are unguided 120s at f/2 and binned 1x1. A dynamic combination of Ha and Oiii was used. Image is cropped.

26h Ha
14h Oiii
3*1h RGB

Scopedome 3M
Celestron EdgeHD 14" with Hyperstar Lens
ZWO asi6200mm
Chroma 3nm
10Micron GM3000 HPS II

Captured from E-eye, Spain during April and May 2023.

Copyright: Sven Eklund




M83 -The Southern PinwheEl