Discovery of a hidden SNR in Gemini, G195.8+02.3

Image Title: Discovery of a hidden SNR in Gemini, G195.8+02.3

Copyright: Deep Sky Collective
Contributors: Tim Schaeffer, Carl Björk, Steeve Body, Akash Jain, Mike Hamende, Paul Kent, John Dziuba, Logan Carpenter, Justin P.

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Date image was taken: February 06, 2025

Location: Europe and USA

Data Acquisition Method: Other

If other selected: Data resulting from a collaboration

Image Description and Details: The Deep Sky Collective is happy to present this first image of SNR G195.8+02.3, a newly discovered supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation of Gemini. While the initial discovery itself is a result of collaborative efforts from the New Horizon Project (NHZ), a closely related group that is also led by me, this DSC image offers a first, deep, full-colour look at this new discovery. As distance and expansion rate of the SNR are not yet known, no information on its age or effective diameter exists - only the apparent optical diameter of one degree, or 60 arcmin is known.
As noted above, the SNR was discovered in the NHZ - more specifically as part of a large scale survey of the MonoGem SNR. In this project, our three NHZ imagers - Deepanshu A., Patrick S. and Tarun K. used their FSQ106 (f3.6) telescopes to capture this stunning region. As this was no ordinary DSC project, and wanting to keep it on the down low, I only selected our top DSC contributors, all of which have access to dark skies and plenty of clear skies. In the end we ended up with 7 photographers; Akash J., Justin P., Paul K., Logan C., Mike H., and John D., as well as Carl B. who did the stacking and also gathered data.

Finally, the group came together on the 19th January and imaging began. Devoting all their available imaging hours to this project for one cycle straight, our 7 photographers were able to gather a staggering 315+ hours in only 19 days - an incredible feat made possible by their complete dedication to the project. A big thank you to all of them for making this happen!

Equipment Details: Telescopes: Askar 130PHQ, Askar 151PHQ, Askar FRA500, Sky-Watcher Esprit 150ED, StellaMira 90mm ED Triplet, Stellarvue SVX080T, Takahashi TOA-150
Cameras: Moravian Instruments C3-61000EC Pro, OGMA AP26MC, Player One Poseidon-M Pro, QHYCCD QHY600PH M, ZWO ASI2600MM Pro, ZWO ASI6200MM Pro

Name: Tim Schaeffer

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The Pencil Nebula
