Dragons of Ara Nebula and the Dragon's Egg

Image Description and Details: The Dragons of Ara Nebula, cataloged as NGC 6188, is located in the constellation Ara, about 4,000 light-years from Earth. It is an active star-forming region where clouds of dust and gas give rise to new stars. The dark, sinuous shapes visible in the image are sculpted by the stellar winds and radiation from young massive stars.Next to it is the "Dragon's Egg" Nebula, identified as NGC 6164. It is an emission nebula formed by a massive O-type star that is expelling its outer layers. The spherical shape resembles an egg, surrounded by expanding gaseous material.

Capture Details

600 Lights 180s 120gain 30offset -5temp

90 Darks
60 Flats
30 DarkFlat

Softwares: N.I.N.A, PHd2, PixInsight, Photoshop, Siril

Equipment Details: Telescope: Astrotech 72mm / F6
Mount: IOptron CEM 25p
Guiding: SvBony Mini Guider 30/120 + Asi 462mc
Filters: Optolong L-Extreme 2"
Camera: ASI 294MC Pro
Optical Vision Ltd (OVL) Field Flattener

COPYRIGHT: Bruno Rota Sargi


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