DSC – SNR G156.2+5.7 - The aftermath of a Star's Death

Image Title: DSC – SNR G156.2+5.7 - The aftermath of a Star's Death

Copyright: Deep Sky Collective
Collaborators: Tim Schaeffer, Carl Björk, Steeve Body, Sébastian Brizé, Antoine and Dalia Grelin, Bray Falls, Florent Herrbach, James M., Justin P., Kevin Trillsam, Jens Unger

Date image was taken: April 24, 2024

Location: Europe and USA

Image Description and Details: Supernova Remnant G156.2+5.7 (SNR G156.2+5.7), or SNR156 for short, is a supernova remnant in the constellation of Auriga that lies at a distance of ~5500 light years and spans roughly 200 lightyears in diameter. 
A supernova is an astronomical event in which a high-mass star collapses on itself, causing one of the most high-energy events known to mankind. In order for a star to go supernova, its mass must exceed 8 solar masses.

For the Deep Sky Collective (DSC) “SNR156 '' was an interesting target as it is rarely imaged due to its sheer faintness and overall being a poorly known object in the night sky. With the big FOV group of the DSC we started gathering data in December and imaged for a total of 4 months. Due to the SNR’s sheer size we opted for a mosaic. As was the case for GK Persei, with the weather this season not being very kind, not everyone was able to contribute, however with  a total of 11 people working on the project - 1 Editor, myself coordinating it and only 9 photographers- we still managed to get a total of 385h12m of integration - the longest ever on this SNR. 

Equipment Details: APM Apo 107/700 · Sky-Watcher Equinox 80 · Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED · Sky-Watcher Esprit 150ED · Sky-Watcher Esprit 80ED · Stellarvue SVX130T · Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 · TS-Optics Photoline 140mm f/6.5 · William Optics ZenithStar 81 / ZS81

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AAPOD2 Title: DSC – SNR G156.2+5.7 - The aftermath of a Star's Death

AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/dsc-snr-g156257

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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