NGC 1097 - A Grand Barred Spiral Galaxy with Mysterious Jets

Image Title: NGC 1097 - A Grand Barred Spiral Galaxy with Mysterious Jets

Copyright: Rafael Sampaio

Date image was taken: January 06, 2025

Location: Obstech, El Sauce, Chile

If other selected: Personal telescope hosted in Obstech

Image Description and Details: NGC 1097, a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Fornax, stands out not only for its luminous core and sweeping spiral arms but also for its enigmatic linear jets. These faint, filament-like structures radiate from the galaxy’s center, and their exact nature remains uncertain. Some theories suggest they are remnants of past galactic interactions, while others link them to activity associated with the central supermassive black hole.

The galaxy’s prominent bar structure channels gas and dust inward, fueling the nucleus and driving star formation, while its spiral arms are rich with star-forming regions and dark dust lanes. Surrounding faint galaxies offer additional context, highlighting NGC 1097’s role within a larger galactic neighborhood. The faint jets, difficult to detect in most observations, add a layer of mystery to this already dynamic galaxy.

NGC 1097 is a reminder of how even familiar objects in the universe can harbor hidden, intriguing features waiting to be explored.

Chroma Blue 50x50 mm: 120×300,″(10h)
Chroma Green 50x50 mm: 120×300,″(10h)
Chroma Lum 50x50 mm: 446×300,″(37h 10′)
Chroma Red 50x50 mm: 119×300,″(9h 55′)
Total exposure time:
67h 5′

Equipment Details: Telescope: Planewave CDK17
Camera: Moravian Instruments C3-61000EC Pro
Mount: Planewave L550

Name: Rafael Sampaio

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