IC 443
Image Description and Details : On the right of the picture, IC 443, or SNR G189.0+03.0, is a supernova remnant located in the constellation of Gemini, with a large angular size (45 minutes of arc, or one and a half times the apparent diameter of the Moon), and quite luminous both in X and in radio. Its distance is rather uncertain and is estimated to be between 2800 and 8000 light years, while its age varies between 3000 and 30 000 years.
The supernova afterglow IC443, with a golden colour indicates that the Ha and SII are strongly interacting, and OIII surrounds a large part of the object. OIII has a slightly faster expansion rate.
On the left of the picture, the emission nebula SH2-249, which is not in the same plane as Ic 443. It is at about 5200 AL There is also a very small nebula in the field.
Photo taken in South Portugal . Set Up FSQ 106 on EQ6 Pro mount. Camera ZWO Asi 1600MM .
Photo in SHO, LRVB; 80 hours of exposure, double panels.
PixinSight processing, Photoshop
Copyright: Team ARO
AAPOD2 Title: IC 443
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/ek4v9wzuaydey8wk9w63uoqh3s9caz
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