M 82 Cigar Galaxy
Messier 82 was discovered in 1774 by Johann Elert Bode, rediscovered by Pierre Mechain August 1779 who reported them to Charles Messier, who added them to his catalog in 1781.
M 82 is the prototype irregular starburst disk galaxy. In the core of M 82, the active starburst region spans a diameter of 500 parsecs.
Tendrils of material extend away from the nucleus, suggesting a colossal explosion. Studies have revealed filaments expanding outward from M 82 at 600 miles per second.
Imaged over 5 nights from my home in Gérgal, Spain.
Technical summary:
Captured: 26,27,28-02-2023 & 02,03-03-2023
Imaging Sessions: 5
Location: Gérgal, Andalucía, Spain
Bortle Class: 4
Total Integration: 32h 28m
Red 349x 60s 5h 49m BIN 3 Gain 100 -5C SQM 20.7
Green 300x 60s 5h 00m BIN 3 Gain 100 -5C SQM 20.7
Blue 300x 60s 5h 00m BIN 3 Gain 100 -5C SQM 20.7
UV/IR 484x 60s 8h 04m BIN 3 Gain 100 -5C SQM 20.7
Ha 103x 300s 8h 35m BIN 3 Gain 100 -5C SQM 20.7
Pixel Scale: 0.33 arcsec/pixel
Telescope: Celestron C11 Edge HD 2800mm fl
Image Camera: ZWO ASI 6200MM Pro
Guiding: ZWO OAG L with ZWO ASI 192MM Mini
Filters: Astronomik R, G, B, UV/IR, Ha
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6R Pro
Computer: Minix NUC
Capture software: NINA, PHD2
Processing Software: PixInsight, Adobe Lightroom
copyright: Eric Smith
AAPOD2 Title: M 82 Cigar Galaxy
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/fqylpp8lubj2e2w2x7kadr97fb9mp6
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