Gecko on the red curtain (LBN 437)
Image Title: Gecko on the red curtain (LBN 437)
Date image was taken: October 11, 2023
Location: Hongcheon, South Korea (Bortle 4)
Yeongwol, South Korea (Bortle 3)
Image Description and Details: Gecko Nebula (LBN 437)
Looks like a gecko on the red curtain. The red nebula in the background, the dark nebula above it, and the colorful stars come together to create a beautiful scene.
H - 120s x 58
L - 60s x 120
R - 120s x 20
G - 120s x 20
B - 120s x 20
Total 5h 56m
Equipment Details: Telescope -Skywatcher Quattro 150
Mount - iOptron CEM70
Camera - Touptek ATR3CMOS 26000 KMA
Guide - Askar M54 OAG with ZWO asi 174mm mini
Filters - Antlia V-Pro LRGB, Antlia 3nm Ha
Copyright: Copyright: SeulWoo Kim
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AAPOD2 Title: Gecko on the red curtain (LBN 437)
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