IC 405, IC 410 & IC417 - Nebulas in Auriga


One of the most beautiful paintings that our sky allows us to admire in photography.
In this image we can see IC405, a nebula that can only be admired well in photos, placed at 1630 light years from us and illuminated by a variable star, AE Aurigae. This star ionizes the gases of the nebula giving it the red color.

Below and in the center we find IC410, also an emission nebula, this time however the gases are ionized by an open cluster of stars, NGC 1893. It is also called the Tadpole Nebula due to two filaments in which there are large formation processes stars that look exactly like tadpoles. It is 19640 light years from us.
The third nebula has the initials IC417 is also called Spider Nebula, and this time the typical red color due to ionized gas is caused by the open Stock 8 cluster. It is 7500 light years away.
From the distances it can be understood that IC410 is the largest nebular area of ​​the three, being at a distance of more than ten times greater than IC405, while in the photo, for obvious reasons, they appear on the same plane.

Imaging telescope:Sky-Watcher Evostar 72ED
Imaging camera:Nikon D5100 full Spectrum Modded
Mount:Sky-Watcher EQ6 SynTrek
Guiding telescope or lens:Sky-Watcher 80/400 f5 acro
Guiding camera:QHYCCD5L-II-M
Focal reducer:Skywatcher field Flattener
Software:PixInsight , Astro Photography Tool - APT Astro Photography tool , Adobe Photoshop CC Photoshop CC 2017
Filters:Astronomik H-alfa 6nm , Optolong UV/IR Cut , Optolong L-eNhance 2"
Accessory:Selfmade Peltier CoolingBox

Dates:4 Jan 2020 , 15 Feb 2020 , 11 Apr 2020 , 15 Apr 2020

Astronomik Ha: 56x420" ISO200
Optolong L-eNhance 2": 15x600" ISO200 5C
Optolong UV/IR Cut: 46x600" ISO200 -5C
Integration: 16.7 hours
Darks: ~32
Flats: ~20
Bias: ~100
Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 4.00
Temperature: 5.00
RA center: 5h 20' 36"
DEC center: +33° 55' 30"
Pixel scale: 2.613 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 358.851 degrees
Field radius: 2.094 degrees

Copyright: Corrado Gamberoni

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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