IC 5070/5067 - The Pelican Nebula

Image Information: Observing Location: backyard, Las Vegas  Sky Conditions: Bortle zone 9 Object's Name or Designation: The Pelican Nebula Telescope or Lens Used: Meade 115mm APO Astrograph Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Filters: Ha + Oiii + Sii Exposure Ti…

Image Information:
Observing Location: backyard, Las Vegas
Sky Conditions: Bortle zone 9
Object's Name or Designation: The Pelican Nebula
Telescope or Lens Used: Meade 115mm APO Astrograph
Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM
Filters: Ha + Oiii + Sii
Exposure Time(s): 10 minutes per shot. 20 hours and 20 minutes total.
Special Techniques Used: Autoguiding (when it worked, half of the time)
Processed in Pixinsight
Other Comments or Description:

This image shows the bright and busy Pelican Nebula in Cygnus. There are lots of dark clouds visible in the image, as well as streaks of fainter clouds all throughout.
In “front” of the Pelican, near the bottom right can be seen several “Herbig-Haro” objects, which are jets of gasses and other matter being ejected at hundreds of miles per second by the newborn stars. One of the visible ones in the photo (the long thin pillar on the right of the blob) shows HH 555, the most active Herbig-Haro object in the Pelican Nebula.

These objects, when colliding with the surrounded dust of the nebula, create gigantic bright shock waves. These jets will disappears over time as they disperse in space.

Copyright Information: Antoine Grelin - Galactic Hunter


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