IC-5076 LRGB

Image Title: IC-5076 LRGB

Copyright: Asgartt Pix

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Date image was taken: August 05, 2024

Location: Üdersdorf (Eifel) Germany

Image Description and Details: IC-5076
A few impressions of the fantastic sky in the Eifel. It was the first time my son went with me. He was just as excited as I was to see the Milky Way so clearly.
There were also countless shooting stars to see.
The first picture was taken with my RC-8 with 1600mm focal length and the ZWO ASI 294mm. Only 5 hours BLZ as LRGB.
IC 5076 is a reflection nebula in the constellation Swan.

Equipment Details: Scope: RC-8 Carbon
Cam: ZWO ASI 294mm
Mount: EQ6 PRO
Baader LRGB Filters
ZWO EFW 36mm Filterwheel

Name: Frank Föhles

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/AsgarttPix

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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