vdB 87
Image Title: vdB 87
Copyright: Timothy Martin
Date image was taken: December 08, 2024
Location: Deep Sky West remote observatory near Santa Fe, NM
Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup
Image Description and Details: I could find less than half a dozen images of this beautiful reflection nebula on the standard websites and elsewhere. I suppose its proximity to the Seagull Nebula causes it to be overlooked. I found it quite by accident doing a wide field of Messier 50 and decided to home in on it to see what was there. I was totally surprised by the range in color and the structural complexity of it. There are other things in it that I've get to identify such as the protostar-looking object just to the lower right of the main object, the additional reflection region to the far right, and in that secondary reflection region, a small butterfly-shaped object that might be a planetary nebula.
Equipment Details: Takahashi TOA130; 10Micron GM2000; Moravian C5a-100M; Chroma LRGB filters; 32h 3' integration
Name: Timothy Martin
Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.astrobin.com/users/AccidentalAstronomers/
AAPOD2 Title: vdB 87
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/j37aid42c68j8scbgdcg6ugrqlq7dw
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