Jones 1 Planetary Nebula PN.G104.2-29.6
Image Description and Details :
I captured Jones 1 back in 2019, but wanted to really add on more data to not only bring out more detail, but that Ha off to the side as well:
The planetary nebula Jones 1 (Jn 1, PK 104-29.1, VV '578) was discovered in 1941 by the American astronomer Rebecca Jones on photo plates of the Harvard Observatory. Two years earlier, together with Richard M. Emberson, she discovered another planetary nebula: Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1) in the constellation Lynx.
The designation PK 104-29.1 comes from the two Czechoslovak astronomers Luboš Perek and Luboš Kohoutek, who in 1967 compiled a catalog of all the planetary nebulae of the Milky Way known at the time. The designation VV '578 goes back to the Russian astronomer Boris Vorontsov-Velyaminov, who studied and classified planetary nebulae in addition to cataloging galaxies.
Jones 1 is a large planetary nebula with an angular diameter of 320 arcseconds, but a faint with only 15 magnitudes. The central star is 16.8 magnitudes bright. Distance measurements range from 716 pc to 826 pc (around 2300 to 2700 light years).
Copyright: Douglas J Struble
AAPOD2 Title: Jones 1 Planetary Nebula PN.G104.2-29.6
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