LDN204 and his dusty friends

Image Title: LDN204 and his dusty friends

Copyright: Yann Sainty

Date image was taken: June 24, 2024

Location: High Atlas Observatory (Oukaimeden Observatory - Morocco)

Image Description and Details: It's a mosaic of 3 tiles, and the aim was to manage to bring together all the Hα in the sky background and all the dust in the field.

It looks as if all these LDN objects have merged to make a seahorse of dust in a red sea of alpha hydrogen.

The Rho Ophiuchi region is truly incredibly rich and is an infinite playground for astrophotographers.

Integration (39h40'):
L: 320×120″(10h 40′)
R: 90×120″(3h)
G: 90×120″(3h)
B: 90×120″(3h)
H: 240×300″(20h)

Equipment Details: Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4
Player One Zeus-M Pro
WarpAstron WD-20
Astronomik HOLRGB filters

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.astrobin.com/users/yann_sainty/

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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