VdB 10 - Reflection nebula in Perseus
VdB 10 - Reflection nebula in Perseus
Copyright: Jaume Zapata
Date image was taken: December 28, 2024
Location: Ager (Lleida, Spain)
Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup
Image Description and Details: Capture of VdB 10 (and LBN 680), a very rarely photographed reflection nebula (only 6 previous images in astrobin), and by adding hours, with more faith than the results I saw in the lights, a beautiful nebula has turned out that reminds us of another well-known one, The Pleiades.
Capture dates: 20/12/2024, 23/12/2024, 26/12/2024, 27/12/2024 & 28/12/2024
L: 961x60"
R: 227x60"
G: 225x60"
B: 225x60"
Total integration time: 27h 18′
Equipment Details: - OTA: Orion Optics 14"
- Mount: Losmandy Titan
- Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
- Filters: Astronomik LRGB 36mm
- Guider scope: Lunatico EZG-60
- Guider camera: ZWO ASI224MC
- Capture software: N.I.N.A. & PHD2 Guiding
Name: Jaume Zapata
Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.astrobin.com/users/Zapo/
AAPOD2 Title: VdB 10 - Reflection nebula in Perseus
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/ld7ysb5z3u69eomkxnj8ei2t53ret9
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