LDN1235 Dark Shark Nebula & PGC67671 Galaxy
Image Description and Details :
Observing sessions :22 Apr...27 May 2020
Site : QUART (Aosta Valley) Italy
Telescope : SharpStar AL 107-PH
Camera : Moravian G2-8300
Autoguiding : ZWO ASI 174MM-Mini (Mono)
Focal Reducer : TS Photoline 3" x0,79
Optolong CLS-CCD 1,25" 61x600sec
Astronomik Deep-Sky CCD-R 51x360sec
Astronomik Deep-Sky CCD-G 37x360sec
Astronomik Deep-Sky CCD-B 49x360sec
Total Integration: 23,9h
Pocessed with PixInsight and Photoshop 6
Copyright Information: Marco Stra
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AAPOD2 Title: LDN1235 Dark Shark Nebula & PGC67671 Galaxy
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/ldn1235-dark-shark-nebula-amp-pgc67671-galaxy
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AAPOD2 Title: LDN1235 Dark Shark Nebula & PGC67671 Galaxy
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/ldn1235-dark-shark-nebula-amp-pgc67671-galaxy
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