Lights over Saana

Lights over Saana

Image Title: Lights over Saana

Date image was taken: 12/22/2022

Image Description and Details : My work ended at 6pm and the second I step outside, I see the sky in flames. I was hungry as heck, but decided to grab my camera and just walk to the wilderness. The auroras were covering most of the sky for a long period of time (hours), but they had near zero movement. So nothing explosive happened for a while, but a bit after 9pm the lights just exploded for a short period of time with plenty pink visible. At this point my camera battery ran out, which they do all the time. I keep multiple spares, but in the cold they just don't work well. Then I started the camera again and received an error message about my sd-card. Minutes later the clouds roll in and I try to browse to see what I had captured, but only to find out all the photos are gone, except the few ones I took after the message. I started to panic a little, thinking everything's disappeared. I walked home in major disappointment and was ready to curse this hobby to hell as everything always goes wrong, but luckily at home the photos were still there when I checked on computer.

Sony A7S Sony FE 14mm f/1.8 GM 1.6 seconds, ISO 2500 Minor adjustments in adobe photoshop

Copyright: Dennis Lehtonen

Name: Dennis Lehtonen


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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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