Linger Longer

Yesterday, I spent a beautiful night at this scenic lake with my buddy benjaminbarakat     Shortly before  moon rise, I had captured all my planned shots and was ready to call it a  night. While packing my gear, I noticed that the peaks started to g…

Yesterday, I spent a beautiful night at this scenic lake with my buddy benjaminbarakat

Shortly before moon rise, I had captured all my planned shots and was ready to call it a night. While packing my gear, I noticed that the peaks started to glow in the light of the rising moon. Despite being tired from shooting two nights in a row, Benjamin and I decided to set up again and shoot a panorama of the lake in moonlight.

The result confirms an old photographers wisdom:
It is always worth to linger a bit longer.

20 panel panorama from fixed tripod.
Canon EOS 6D astro modified
Tamron 15-30mm f2.8
20 x 30s @ ISO6400

Copyright: Ralf Rohner


NGC 6334 Cats Paw Nebula


Brocchi's Cluster