
Image Title: M106

Copyright: kkastrophotography.com

Date image was taken: May 27, 2024

Location: E-eye remote observatory Spain

Image Description and Details: The galaxy Messier 106 in Canes Venatici was originally discovered by Pierre Mechain in 1781. It is however unlikely that Messier ever saw the object that now bears his name. It was added as the 106th object in his catalogue by Helen Hogg in 1947 along with M105 and M107 based on the fact that it was communicated to him and had been marked on one of his star charts.
M106 is a large spiral galaxy inclined to our line of sight that is has been classified as a Seyfert 2 type with an active nucleus and disturbed spiral arms, probably from an encounter with one of its neighbouring galaxies, possibly NGC 4217. It is also of interest because it appears to have two sets of spiral arms with those in the optical not matching up with those seen in the radio and X-ray.

Source is from Webbdeepsky.com

Equipment Details: Takahashi TOA130NFB with Nitecrawler focuser
Asi 2600MM with Astronomik Filters
10 Micron HPS1000 Mount

Website or Facebook Profile: kkastrophotography.com

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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