M20 Trifid Nebula in HaRGB

Date image was taken: June 02, 2023

Image Description and Details : The Trifid Nebula or Messier 20 is a large star-forming region in the constellation Sagittarius and its name is attributed to its three-lobed appearance. Messier 20 consists of several objects, an emission nebula, a reflection nebula, a dark nebula and an open cluster. The nebula has a magnitude of 6.3and ais approximately 5,200 light-years away.This was shot with my backup camera the ASI 183MM.
30 x 300s Ha and 85 x 180s RGB subs shot @0C spread across 2 nights for a total integration time of about 7 hrs.

For a higher resolution visit: https://www.astrobin.com/xc8m6a/

Skywatcher 10" f4 Newtonian 250P
Skywatcher F4 Aplanatic Coma Corrector
Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro Hypertuned by Astronomy Academy Perth
ZWO ASI183MM Pro Cooled Camera
Primaluce Sesto Senso2 Electronic Focuser
ZWO Off Axis Guider
ZWO ASI290MM Mini Guide Camera
ZWO Electronic Filter Wheel
Antlia Pro 36mm unmounted filters
Rollon rolloff modified shed observatory / Bortle 5
Data acquisition software: NINA Astronomy Software
Processing software: PixInsight and Photoshop CC

Copyright: Capturing Ancient Photons/Carlos Taylor

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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