M31 - the kilohour project and the quest for Oiii
Image Title: M31 - the kilohour project and the quest for Oiii
Copyright: Copyright: DSC
Collaborators: Tim Schaeffer, Carl Björk, William Ostling, Uri Darom, Steeve Body, Sébastian Brizé, Kanwar Brar, Jasper Capel, Oliver Carter, Sendhil Chinnasamy, Jake Gentillon, Antoine and Dalia Grelin, Stephen Guberski, Charlie Hagen, Richard Hall, Florent Herrbach, Jason Jacks, Tarun Kottary, Brian Meyers, Justin P., Kevin Trillsam, Jens Unger
Video Link?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yst7ZOVnSmI
Date image was taken: December 06, 2023
Location: Europe and USA
Image Description and Details: The kilohour project on Messier 31 stands as our most extensive effort yet, demonstrating the remarkable outcomes of collaborative work. By dedicating nearly 500 hours to Oiii observations, we've managed to bring out the arc's features with unprecedented clarity and define its structure accurately. This endeavor also allowed us to detect numerous extragalactic nebulae and resolve distinct stars within the galaxy. Opting for Sii exposures along with the usual Ha and Oiii was a beneficial choice, enhancing our findings.
In total we gathered 1056h of integration spread over LRGBHaOiiiSii
488h Oiii/314h Ha/169hSii/26h35L/17h15R/26h17G/15h37B
Equipment Details: Cams: QHYCCD QHY268 M, QHYCCD QHY600PH M, RisingCam ATR3-26000KMA, ZWO ASI2600MC Pro, ZWO ASI2600MM Pro, ZWO ASI294MM Pro, ZWO ASI6200MM Pro
Telescopes: APM Apo 107/700, Askar FRA600, Celestron C9.25 SC XLT, Celestron RASA 8”, CFF Telescopes Refractor 135mm f/6.7, Sky-Watcher Equinox 80, Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED, Sky-Watcher Esprit 150ED, Stellarvue SVX130T, Stellarvue SVX90T, Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4, TS-Optics Photoline 140mm f/6.5, William Optics Fluorostar 120 / FLT120, William Optics Fluorostar 132 / FLT132, William Optics ZenithStar 81 / ZS81
Name: Tim Schaeffer
Email: deepskycollective@gmail.com
Website or Facebook Profile: http://deepskycollective.com/home
The kilohour project on Messier 31 stands as our most extensive effort yet, demonstrating the remarkable outcomes of collaborative work. By dedicating nearly 500 hours to Oiii observations, we've managed to bring out the arc's features with unprecedented clarity and define its structure accurately. This endeavor also allowed us to detect numerous extragalactic nebulae and resolve distinct stars within the galaxy. Opting for Sii exposures along with the usual Ha and Oiii was a beneficial choice, enhancing our findings.
In total we gathered 1056h of integration spread over LRGBHaOiiiSii
488h Oiii/314h Ha/169hSii/26h35L/17h15R/26h17G/15h37B
AAPOD2 Title: M31 - the kilohour project and the quest for Oiii
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/m31-kilohour-project-the-quest-for-oiii
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