M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy with outer halo and star stream

Image Title: M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy with outer halo and star stream

Copyright: Jürgen Stein

Date image was taken: May 02, 2022

Location: Astro farm Tivoli, Namibia

Image Description and Details: In the outer region of the bright galaxie appears a weak halo as well as a star stream north of the galaxie. Additionally fragements of dim spiral arms can be seen in the area of the halo and beyond.

Equipment Details: ASA 12" Newtonian, ASA DDM85 mount, ZWO ASI 6200MM camera.
LRGB composit, exposures: L 35 x 120 seconds and RGB 19 / 23 / 29 x 180 seconds.
The image was processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop.

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.astrobin.com/users/steinj/

Charles Lillo

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