Mermaid Nebula
Image Description and Details: The death of a massive star gave rise to this supernova remnant designated as G296.5+10.0 located in the constellation of Centaurus. The visible blue colour originating mainly from Oxygen shapes the Mermaid Nebula or also known as the Betta Fish (ESO 217-25).
Equipment Details: Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4
Camera: HYCCD QHY268 Pro-M
Mount: IOptron CEM-70G
Filters: Baader CMOS Ultra Narrowband Optimized & RGB CCD.
Software: NINA Nighttime Imagine 'N' Astronomy - PHD2 - PixInsight - Adobe Photoshop.
COPYRIGHT: Claudio Ulloa
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AAPOD2 Title: Mermaid Nebula
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