Milky Way on Nivolet

Milky Way landscape image

Image Title: Milky Way on Nivolet

Date image was taken: July 22, 2023

Location: Colle del Nivolet (AO) Italy

Image Description and Details: Composition of the same night with shots tracked across the sky and a still shot for the foreground.

Sky: 30 light x 60" + 30 dark; 800ISO; f2.8

Ground: 1 photo x 240"; 200ISO; f5.6

Processing: Pixisnight for the sky, LR for the foreground, PS for blending

Equipment Details: - Equipment for the sky: Canon 1100D modicated super UV-IR cut + Samyang 24mm f1.4 (f2.8) + StarAdventurer 2i

- Equipmenent for the ground: Sony a7R3 + Zeiss 16-35mm

Copyright: Loris Ferrini

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

NGC 300 - an obliquely angled spiral galaxy in Sculptor


LBN 552 and LDN 1228