Moon Montes Apeninnus and Eratosthenes crater
Image Description and Details :
Registration on Feb. 20 of a set of interesting formations on the edge of the Mare Imbrium, starting with the Eratothenes crater (diam. 58 km, depth 3600 meters), where the mountain range of the Apeninnus Mountains begins, extending for 953 km formed by the rubble the great impact that created the Mare Imbrium. Apeninnus is home to some of the highest peaks on the visible face of the Moon, including Mons Huygens which according to the most recent and accurate assessments reaches 4950 meters.
In the upper part of the image, it is also possible to observe a ghost crater Wallace, remnant of a crater formed in the Imbrian period (3.8 ~ 3.2 a.a.) that was filled by lava and formed edges located 400 meters above the surface.
In the box, a perspective view (generated through QuickMap) of Mons Huygens.
Tele GSO 305 mm @ f / 12, ASI290MM camera
Copyright: Conrado Serodio
AAPOD2 Title: Moon Montes Apeninnus and Eratosthenes crater
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