The Sun after its maximum
Image Title: The Sun after its maximum
Copyright: Alessandro Ravagnin
Date image was taken: December 28, 2024
Location: Romano d'Ezzelino
Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup
If other selected: The Sun has passed the peak of its activity for this 25th cycle, but it is still "alive". The 28th, there were 233 sunspots on the disk with many interesting groups and related Active Regions. There will be great aurar events again? Or do we have to wait for the next cycle? 11 years of waiting...
Image Description and Details: Mosaic of 5 panels taken processed with Gimp
Equipment Details: Baader Astrosolar + C11HD f/10 + Red filter + ASI2600MM
Sky-wathcer EQ8
Name: Alessandro Ravagnin
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AAPOD2 Title: The Sun after its maximum
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