Ngc 2024 Flame Nebula

La Flamme_CropNewb.jpg

Image Description and Details : Flame Nebula (Ngc 2024) made by Team ARO in South Portugal . This Team is composed of Francis Bozon, Jean_Luc Gangloff, Stéphane Gueyraud.
The Flame Nebula extends over about 12 light years. Alnitak (Zeta Orionis), the easternmost bright star in Orion's belt, energises the nebula. The intense ultraviolet radiation from this blue supergiant ionises the hydrogen atoms in the nebula.
Gas and especially dust in front of NGC 2024 absorb the light from the nebula and form the dark ribbon seen in the visible light images.

These acquisitions were made with Scope Fsq 106, on Eq6 Pro and ZWO Asi 1600MM camera.
The exposure times are as follows:

-Ha= 201 x 180''

-R = 73 x 150 ''

-V = 92 x 120 ''

-B= 94 x 120 ''

That is a total time of about 19.15 hours.

Copyright: Francis Bozon / Team Aro


Sunspot Nº2814 with a dual process

