NGC 253 - an island of stars

ngc 253

Image Title: NGC 253 - an island of stars

Copyright: Benjamin Werner

Date image was taken: December 08, 2023

Location: Hakos Astrofarm, Namibia

Image Description and Details: The image shows the beautiful Sculptor Galaxy, NGC 253. The image was taken with data from two different observatories, the WAA Südsternwarte and the WAA Remotesterwarte (which is currently being commissioned).
HaLRGB 100:147:150:105:132 min

Equipment Details: Lacerta 12" f/4 Newtonian astrograph on SkyWatcher EQ8 with ZWO ASI1600MM-P and Astronomik LRGB filters
ASA N12 astrograph on ASA DDM85 with ZWO ASI6200MM with Astronomik 6nm Ha and LRGB filers

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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