NGC 253 - the Sculptor Galaxy

ngc 253, sculptor galaxy

Image Title: NGC 253 - the Sculptor Galaxy

Date image was taken: October 01, 2023

Location: My backyard observatory in Canberra Australia

Image Description and Details: This is a bright and well known galaxy in Sculptor that is visible in binoculars. A LHaRGB image (LRGB enhanced with Hydrogen Alpha). Exposure times were: Luminance = 150 minutes, Red = Green = 150 minutes, Blue = 80 minutes, Hydrogen Alpha = 80 minutes. The Hydrogen Alpha was a 3nm Chroma filter and the other filters were Astrodon series 2). Processing in Maxim DL, Pixinsight and Photoshop CC

Equipment Details: 36.8 cm (14.5") Ritchey Chretien working at F9, SBIG STXL6303 CCD camera, Paramount ME mount. Telescope control via the Sky X

Copyright: Steve Crouch

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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