

Instrument: UNC 254mm f / 4 Astrograph Telescope
Imager: QSI 540WSG CCD Camera at -25 °, Atik GPE Guidance
Exposure: 20 exposures of 300 sec at -25 ° in Luminance
Preprocessing: 8 Dark / 8 Flat / 8 Offset
Processing: Prism 10, Photoshop CS3
Notes: First test of the new telescope
Description: NGC 2683 is a spiral galaxy of type Sb located in the constellation of the Lynx, at a distance of 16 million light years. It has an apparent angular dimension of 9.3 'by 2.2' of angle. Its magnitude is 10.6. Discovered by William Herschel on February 5, 1788. It was nicknamed the "UFO Galaxy" by the Astronaut Memorial Planetarium and Observatory.

It is viewed nearly edge-on from Earth's location in space and is located between 16 and 25 million light-years away. NGC 2683 is receding from Earth at 410 km/s (250 mi/s), and from the Galactic Center at 375 km/s (233 mi/s).

Copyright: Cucculelli Alexandre

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

Lunar Eclipse (2019)


NGC 1333 Embryo Nebula