NGC 4725

NGC 4725 LRGB Final DS.png

NGC 4725 is a barred spiral, galaxy in Coma Berenices. It has also been classified as a Seyfert galaxy and a ringed galaxy. It is 41 million light years distant. NGC 4712 is the smaller spiral galaxy in the field.

Imaging Camera: QSI640wsg
Imaging Scope: Celestron 9.25"Edge HD at f/7
Guide Camera: SX Lodestarx2
Mount: Avalon M-Uno Fast Reverse
Filters: Astrodon Gen II LRGB
Exposure: 150 min Lum, 5 minute subs , 40 min each RGB, 2.5 minute subs binx2
Capture: APT
Processing: CCD Stack and PS CC
Date: 4/20/20
Sky conditions: Below average seeing, Bortle white skies, SQM 17.35 mag/arc-sec2
Location: Morristown, NJ

Copyright : Derek Santiago

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

The galaxy NGC 3621


IO’s transit